BOX THINKING: In, Out, Around, Under, Besides

BOX THINKING: In, Out, Around, Under, Besides

One way to look at the issue of out-of, in-the box, no-box, other-boxes issue is to look at it as a thinking or cognitive style issue.

Independent rational thinkers  (I call them Meditative Thinkers) tend to examine what is in-the-box to generate new ideas or they create new yet logical boxes.

Independent open-ended thinkers (I call them Intuitive Thinkers) tend to want to always remove ALL boxes and are always seen as Out-of-the-box thinkers.

Only difficulty with purely out-of-the-box thinking is that eventually to come to a conclusion or solution or resolution we end up creating still another solution.

Team/Family open-ended thinkers or feelers (I call them Negotiative Thinkers) tend to want to stay in our box and discover new ways of doing things better that all the team/family agrees upon or they are open to looking into other people's boxes, people they trust that is.

Group/Organization focused, systematic, traditional thinkers (actually I see this as an oxymoron because they follow the rules, don't break them and rarely truly THINK at all.  They simply reuse or use accepted formulas or previously proven answers (I call these Directive Thinkers) tend to look inside the correct box-their boss's or some experts' for what to do or how to do something.

For much more information about my M.I.N.D. Design Thinking Style model and to take the questionnaire go to
