Creativity Trait 2

Creativity Trait 2

A trait of highly creative people that showed up in my 1980 study many times was...


the generation of many ideas prior to selecting one to use or turn into a solution.

Each day we can practice and increase this trait in ourselves, our teams, our departments, our companies.

When you are working on a a project, a challenge, a problem...deliberately strive for 6 ideas until you automatically generate 6.

Once generating 6 is a habit then strive to generate 12.

As 12 becomes you new habit automatically then strive for 24.

Continue increasing the number of ideas until 144 becomes easier to generate than 6 use to be.

Learn one idea generating technique each week and use it each day for a week.

Collect your ideas in a system, method that works for you best:  lists, graphs, Mindmaps, index cards, Excel charts, boxes, bulletin boards.

Best wishes on your daily efforts to develop traits of "Highly Creative People" until you are one.

