reaction to an article title THE CREATIVITY MYTH

This is a piece written in response to an article that a very successful writer I have known since 1997 shared with me because of my interest in creativity.

Here are my thoughts about it.

I encourage you to read it, share it, think about it and summarize your views about it.

reaction to an article title THE CREATIVITY MYTH

Since reading two articles by E. Paul Torrance among others in 1976 I have read and collected hundreds of articles and a few hundred books as well.

This is one point of view about the word "creativity"
that the author has chosen to find fault with some of the "stories" about creativity of famous people that have been written for over a couple millennium.

Many to most have some flaws or are simply false like the ones the author has chosen.

A variety of the most recent authors of books about creativity have chosen the MYTH approach to justify their own personal feelings, beliefs or understandings of what creativity is to them, that they then claim apply in all cases with all people.

Biggest problem is the word "creativity".

There is no finite, uniformly accepted, simple definition for what creativity is, was or might be.

Much like E. Paul Torrance (decided in the 50s when he began his 50 years of research) I chose to work with the term

Creative Thinking 

not Creativity.

My working definition is similar to EPT's

Creative Thinking is the generation or discovery of new ideas, new to the one creating or discovering them. (the second part is my different approach)

I two began in 1980 from a MYTH position.

3 Myths of Creativity (Creativity G.A.P.S.)

1. G - It is a Gift: Only some people are born creative.

2. A - Attitude: It has nothing to do with attitude.

3. P - Creativeness is the result of using one or more thinking processes from subconscious to conscious.

Then I add a 4th which I still often use to open my workshops

4. S - Creativeness is the result of the use of strategies that focus on being creative on purpose.

Plus over the past 38 years I have explored and spent much time with the concept of CREATIVE THINKING STYLES or forms of Creativity from a to z.

What the author appears to be basing their article on is the
INSTANT, SPONTANEOUS, SERENDIPTIOUS form of creativity that has been used to carry on what the author is pointing out is based upon MYTHICAL or FALSE stories.

Thanks again. I continue to look for new articles and books to deepen and widen my growing understanding of human creative thinking and creativeness.
